Mewing Before and After Results
Mewing before and after transformations achieved by adults and teens. This page is up to date with 2020 mewing results.

It is often debated whether mewing actually works for people who are not young children. On this page, we show a compilation of mewing results achieved by adults and teens online. Our goal is to motivate our users by showing that it is possible to achieve an improved facial appearance by maintaining proper tongue posture for extended periods of time.
What is Mewing?
Mewing is the act of maintaining proper tongue posture by flattening the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Introduced by British orthodontist Dr. John Mew, this technique aims to help improve the facial structure by remodeling the maxilla. As peculiar and unconventional it may sound, it is actually not new. Medical professionals have been recommending tongue alignment exercises to treat patients for years. Mewing results are particularly interesting because having a well-developed maxilla has a positive effect on facial appearance and breathing ability.

The Mewing Appliance ™
The Mewing Appliance ™ is a tool designed to help you maintain perfect tongue posture at all times through behavioral training. When placed in the mouth, it acts as a constant reminder to Mew properly by keeping the tongue flattened against the palate. Use the Mewing Appliance ™ to maintain proper tongue posture at all times and help improve your facial appearance and breathing ability.

Mewing Before and After Results for 2020
Mewing has gained popularity over the past few years which gives us access to high-quality mewing transformations. Some people have been practicing this technique for years and have achieved great mewing results. Below, we show a compilation of mewing before and after photos updated for 2020.

Mewing before and after transformation for an adult after five years
Starting at age 18, this transformation took five years to achieve. This young man had multiple allergies while growing up which caused chronic nose blockage and forced him to breathe through his mouth. Unable to maintain proper tongue posture while growing up, his jaws grew vertically and resulted in an elongated face. At age 21, he discovered mewing and started to practice proper tongue posture. He also used a nose spray which allowed him to fully breathe through the nose and he chewed Falim gum for a few hours every day to improve the muscle tone of his jaw. This hard work paid off as we can see with the beautiful result that he achieved at age 23 in the after picture.

Mewing results after nine months
This is the case of a nine-month mewing transformation shared by a 16-year-old male. He reports having improved his facial appearance after nine months of continuous mewing. Additionally, he mentions chewing gum for an hour per day for over four months. This young man believes that his face has expanded a lot, but that the length remained the same. He continues to wear braces and mentions that mewing has improved his sleep. Before perfecting his tongue posture, he used to sleep with his mouth open and to snore. After nine months of mewing, he is now able to keep his mouth shut and hold proper tongue posture at night.

Mewing results for an adult female after two years
This 20-year-old female achieved her mewing transformation in two years by focusing on tongue posture and proper swallowing technique. This is a great case because both pictures are taken with the same camera at the same distance. She mewed consistently and practiced hard mewing for the first few months. She mentions on Reddit that a challenging aspect was to keep her mouth closed during sleep.

Mewing results for an adult after two months
This 22-year-old man posted his mewing transformation on Reddit after two months of progress. He achieved great results within a short time span due to his dedication to mewing. To further improve his technique, he mentions that he still needs to work on his chin line and that he is considering chin tuck exercises.

Mewing before and after result after three months
This 18-year old man is an example that when done right, mewing can bring dramatic results in a short time. He has been mewing for three months now and is happy with his broader and more chiseled face. His jawline is more prominent, and his facial features look more sculpted. He further adds that chewing gums helped him improve his facial muscle tone.

Mewing transformation after three years
This 20-year-old Reddit user has recently shared his three-year mewing transformation, and the community is impressed with his sharp results. The practitioner has been hard mewing and chin tucking both for the past three years. He says he was also chewing gums to improve his facial profile. One can easily notice his forward grown maxilla more defined chin. He is still practicing mewing and expecting better progress in the near future.

Mewing results after five months
In this case, we see the results from five months of mewing. The practitioner followed the routine of keeping his lips together, teeth together, and tongue placed on the roof of the mouth to achieve this impressive transformation. It took him three months to perfect the technique and maintain proper tongue posture consistently. He learned how to mew by watching tutorial videos online. He also practiced the Mackenzie chin tuck to improve his body posture and awareness. In the before and after photos, we see that his facial structure is now sharper with a lifted jawline. In addition to mewing, he advises starters to work on their chewing and swallowing techniques. He believes that having proper oral posture for more than half of the day is essential.

Instant improvement in facial form from mewing
This 21-year-old Reddit user started mewing only fifteen days back and he already has an improvement to show for. To practice proper posture, he flattens the entire tongue against the roof of the mouth with teeth lightly touching. He recommends exercising the tongue by taking in a few chewing gums and rolling it into a ball and flatten it out against the roof of the mouth. We see that mewing has an instantenous improvement on facial appearance which gives this practitioner a boost in confidence and improves motivation to continue mewing.

Mewing transformation after two years
This is the case of a teenager who has experienced a positive mewing transformation with just over two years of continuous mewing. He mentions that he started mewing at the age of 14 and has been mewing for 85 to 90 percent of the time. Although the first few days were difficult, he got used to it and mewing became a simple habit.

Mewing results for an adult female after 13 months
This 20-year-old female shares her impressive mewing results with the Reddit community. She has been mewing for over 13 months – her jawline looks more sculpted and her chin more defined. The girl confirms that she included hard mewing for 10-15 minutes every day in her routine. She is also working on her swallowing habits to further improve her facial profile.

Mewing before and after results achieved in one year
This 16-year-old male made a Reddit post about the mewing transformation he achieved in one year. His technique is to mew as hard as he can whenever he remembers it. When his tongue is pressed on his palate, it touches his teeth slightly.

Hard Mewing vs Soft Mewing
Hard mewing is when you forcefully push and hold your tongue against the palate whereas soft mewing is when you use a light and comfortable force to hold your tongue against the palate. Hard mewing is effective at increasing tongue strength but it might cause discomfort or mild pain. It is advised to mix periods of hard mewing with soft mewing to increase tongue strength without sacrificing consistency in proper tongue posture. Soft mewing should be the tongue’s rested position, in which a light force is applied on the palate for extended periods of time. The most important factor in remodelling the maxilla is consistency, so you should avoid tiring yourself out with excessive hard mewing.

Mewing Results – More Transformations
Mewing before and after result after 11 months
This young man started mewing at age 16 and has seen a dramatic improvement in his facial structure in 11 months. Although some of his changes can be attributed to puberty, he is convinced that mewing also played a large role in his facial remodeling. This is particularly interesting because a lot of people tend to become worse looking after going through puberty, and it is unfortunate that mewing could have prevented that.

Mewing before after result on a female after 18 months of progress
This orthotropic patient of Dr. John Mew was 20 years old when she began treatment. The two pictures are taken only 18 months apart and they show the dramatic effect that proper tongue posture can have on facial appearance, even on an adult. On the Orthotropics website, she mentions that even her friends don’t recognize her due to her changed facial appearance.

Mewing transformation after two years
This Reddit user shared his mewing results after practicing the technique for two years starting at age 17. He provided pictures from both the front and side angles to demonstrate the effect of proper tongue posture. His after images clearly show sharp and well-structured jawline and accentuated chin. He mentions that he focused on holding the Mackenzie Chin Tuck and maintaining proper body posture in addition to mewing. He also practiced hard mewing for 1 to 3 hours a day.

Three years of mewing before and after result
This Reddit user started mewing when he was 17 years old and has posted results after three years of progress. He improved his facial esthetics by practicing proper tongue posture consistently for an extended period of time. His jawline has widened and his mid-face has shortened, giving him a more alert look and well-supported eyes. The lips also look more defined, which illustrates how important the role of the maxilla is for facial esthetics. The user mentions that he practices soft mewing as much as possible and that chews hard gum such as Falim for one hour daily.

Mewing before and after for an adult
This user started mewing at age 20 and posted pictures on Reddit after three years of progress. He mentions that, along with mewing, proper chewing and swallowing habits played a large role in improving his facial aesthetics and increasing his mandible definition. This is also supported by Dr. Mike Mew who advocates using proper technique when swallowing to disengage the cheeks and rely exclusively on the tongue. Again, we see the large influence of the maxilla on facial appearance as the user has achieved a sharper nose, better eye support, and a more defined jawline.

Mewing results for a female
This five-year transformation is from a woman who started mewing at age 20. Although this picture is difficult to evaluate objectively because there is make-up in the after photo, we can see a clear improvement of the maxilla and facial structure. On her Reddit thread, she comments that her progress is slower than expected due to a narrow upper palate. This made it harder to maintain proper tongue posture in the beginning because there was not enough space for her tongue to rest the roof of the mouth. Additionally, she mentions that she started on “level zero” due to several orthodontic issues that came with having an underdeveloped maxilla.

Six-month mewing transformation
This user started mewing at age 15 and posted results after six months. Although some of his facial changes are attributed to going through puberty, we nonetheless see an improvement in facial appearance and maxilla development. This is not always to case for growing teenagers, as people often look worse as adults than as kids. This case shows that mewing is particularly effective for people in their growth phase, since the bones of the skull are most malleable at that time.

Four months of mewing before and after result on an adult
This 22-year-old male shared his 4 months mewing progress story on Reddit with this before and after picture. He mentions gaining four pounds during that time period, so we can discard weight loss as an explanation for the improvement in facial appearance. We see significant esthetic improvement at the jaw and the chin, where the jawline is more defined and the chin seems less recessed. Note that even though this picture shows six months of progress, some of the esthetic gains from mewing are achieved instantly from engaging the facial muscles.

One year of mewing progress
This person is 18 years old and they achieved impressive mewing results in the span of one year. The before and after picture is particularly great because it shows both the front and the profile view. It seems that mewing has repositioned their mandible to a more favorable position leading to an improved facial structure and a stronger jaw. The user mentions that they “[…] focused on keeping my whole tongue on [their] palate 24/7 besides eating and talking.”.

Mewing transformation after four months
This Reddit user started to mew because he wanted to fix his asymmetrical facial structure. Starting at age 17, he used a mix of both hard mewing and soft mewing to remodel his maxilla, which seemed to be misaligned. We can see that the user achieved promising results in only four months, where both his jaw and his mandible made esthetic gains. The user also mentions that if he lifts the posterior portion of his tongue while mewing, he has a difficult time breathing. This is most likely due to a narrow and recessed maxilla, which hopefully will expand over time and give him more space for his tongue.

One year of mewing before and after result on an adult
This 22-year-old shared his one-year mewing results on an online forum post. He is a great example of what can be achieved through mewing with enough time and dedication. He mentions that he practiced hard mewing 24/7 and that he was pushing so hard with his tongue that the area under the jaw, known as the hyoid, would start burning. On the forum posts, he mentions the following: “Sometimes it’s difficult to fall asleep for me as I’m mewing so hard.”. Additionally, he maintained a proper lip seal by keeping his lips closed with a slight force and breathing through his nose at all times. He also practiced proper swallowing technique, as explained in Dr. Mike Mew’s push swallow video. To swallow properly, the cheeks and the lips should be disengaged and the tongue should perform the swallowing action. By using this technique, the swallowing force exerted by the tongue will be applied on the palate and help with maxillary expansion. Additionally, the cheeks will lose volume due to becoming atrophied from the reduced usage in swallowing, which results in an improved facial appearance due to hollowed-out cheeks. The user also mentions that he was chewing hard gum such as Falim for 20 to 30 minutes per day. Finally, he mentions that he put effort into perfecting his body posture and practicing the Mackenzie chin tuck consistently.

Another one year mewing result for a female
This user shared her one-year mewing result on an online blog. Although her age is undisclosed, we can see that is a grown adult that has achieved an improved facial appearance from maintaining proper tongue posture. Hopefully, her results will compound over time and her facial appearance will continue on this trend of improvement.

Mewing result from seven months of progress
This seven-month mewing transformation has been shared on Reddit by an 18-year-old user. He started by focusing on chin tucking and lip sealing to improve his neck posture. Then, he incorporated soft mewing and gradually shifted to hard mewing in the third month. He mentions keeping a good body posture throughout the day and chewing hard foods whenever possible. On comparing the two pictures, we can see that the tissue under his mandible has toned and his jaw has tightened.

Mewing is a promising technique for the proper development of the facial structure and breathing ability. Although the theory is simple, it requires a great deal of motivation and patience to execute properly and achieve results. This is especially true in adults, as the bones of the skull are no longer actively growing. That being said, research has shown that there is constant bone remodeling that occurs in the maxilla, and we have shown several case studies of adults that were able to achieve positive outcomes from mewing. Our recommendation is to practice mewing until it becomes an effortless habit for which the positive effects will compound over time. To achieve this goal, use the Mewing Appliance ™ to help maintain proper tongue posture at all times.